The AP German and French courses at OBHS are currently designated as "AP classes with Service Learning" components, offering students opportunities to give of their time and raising awareness of critical issues such as the environment. Frau Schmitz and Madame Malhi, teachers of AP German and AP French respectively have taken the lead in designing and executing the climate conscious lesson plans to their classes. The students are currently learning higher level aspects of the language combined with volunteer experiences such as this one, preparing them for the Advanced Placement exam in the spring. Students will receive the much-deserved credit on their high school transcript.
In all, the students and Save Coastal Wildlife volunteers removed over 31 bags of trash and larger items, which would have otherwise ended up in the Raritan Bay, impacting wildlife and water reserves. Frau Schmitz and Madame Malhi indicated that they have plans for future community service projects similar to these, and hope to continue sharing their combined vision for a cleaner, safer and healthier world for all.